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April Newsletter

Hi there,

Q2 is kicking off! 🏈

In this month’s newsletter, I’m covering:

📷 TikTok’s rumored photo-only app

❤️ Our pick for viral TikTok creator of the month

🗞️ Major marketing headlines you may have missed 

✨ And more! 


– Kristen Wiley (CEO of Statusphere)

Want to stop receiving these emails? Just reply to this email and let me know. I won’t take it personally. 🙂 


TikTok Turns Back the Clock with Photo-Only App 🕑

Looks like the rumors weren’t rumors after all.

As reported by Social Media Today, some TikTok users are receiving notifications that their image uploads will soon appear in “TikTok Notes.”

According to the notification, Notes is a “new app for photo posts” that’s “coming soon.” In short, TikTok is releasing its own version of the OG Instagram.

Weird move, right? Short-form videos have been the bread and butter of brands and creators for years now. That said, Instagram did see a resurgence of photo content last year while TikTok has been pushing creators to make longer videos.

Could this be a tipping point in the ongoing “feature war” between TikTok and IG?

Given that TikTok enabled photo uploads back in 2022, probably not. Some critics speculate TikTok is simply experimenting in case their ban becomes a reality.

Still, this does highlight the ongoing shift in how we consume content and engage with social media. As always, brands should keep their ear to the ground and be ready to experiment with any form of visual content that features creators.

Check out the full story here!

Photo Credit: Social Media Today

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Budget Nail Routine Leaves TikToker Stunned 💅

TikToker @carlapasceri earned 1.6 million views, 196,000 likes, and 111,000 saves by showing off the results of her life-changing new nail routine.

The video kicks off with Carla calling out “that girl” on TikTok who taught her about a $20 nail routine that would supposedly never require you to go to a salon again.

Just as it seems like she’s about to de-influence the products used, she shows off her nails and lets the results do the talking before breaking her silence:

“This looks like I’ve had a Russian manicure,” she says in disbelief. “This has no business looking like this.”


What we love: 
  • The video features a legit micro-influencer. Carla had just 3,000+ followers at the time of posting this video. High reach and engagement can happen on TikTok regardless of follower count.
  • This video highlights how product recs rule on TikTok. The staggering 100,000+ saves on this video highlight how brands use platforms like TikTok as a place to bookmark products to buy in the future.
  • The creator seamlessly sells the product (without really “selling” it).  The creator’s stunned sense of humor doesn’t make this feel in-your-face at all. Meanwhile, the results of the products speak for themselves.

Check out the full video here!

Photo Credit: @carlapasceri

Social news

Snack-Sized Social News 🍪

Social news moves fast! Here are a few headlines to keep you in the loop: 
live webinarart

Social SEO: How B2C Brands Can Rank in Social Search

Thursday, April 11 at 1 PM EDT

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Social news moves fast! Here are a few headlines to keep you in the loop: 

We’ll be back next month with more tips to enhance your digital marketing strategy!

