Case Study

How Lifetime scaled awareness for the It’s a Wonderful Lifetime programming slate

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Influencer Posts

Hours Saved on Influencer Marketing



Video Views


Lifetime needed to scale awareness for the It’s a Wonderful Lifetime programming slate


With 35 days until the premiere, Lifetime lacked the resources to activate content creators at scale

Primary Pain Points:

  • Trouble recruiting creators at scale
  • Trouble pivoting strategies for multiple movies
  • Lack of bandwidth

THE Solution

Lifetime used Statusphere to eliminate legwork while building buzz with hundreds of creator activations

How We Solved It:

  • Guaranteed influencer posts at scale
  • Flexibility to pivot between multiple promo strategies 
  • 988 hours saved

THE results

Capturing Customer Attention with 1.2M Video Views

Lifetime used the Statusphere platform to get 424 creator posts leading up to its holiday programming event. With hundreds of creators posting about Lifetime’s holiday movie schedule, reach, awareness and engagement skyrocketed.


Video Views

TikTok Shares

Instagram Saves

Reaching More Households by Garnering a 14% Engagement Rate 

Lifetime collaborated with over 400 creators to expand its reach and increase viewers for the holiday programming event. 

In the days leading up, creators posted movie-themed content for the program’s new releases: A Cowboy Christmas Romance, Ladies of the 80s: A Diva’s Christmas, and Yes, Chef! Christmas.

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Building Anticipation for It’s a Wonderful Lifetime with a 35 Day Countdown

Lifetime needed to spread the word about it’s holiday movie schedule in time for the premiere, but the clock was ticking.

The movie network used the Statusphere platform to instantly match with hundreds of influencers, forgoing recruitment, so it could start a social media blitz with no time to waste.

Lifetime can now seamlessly repurpose organic creator posts into:

  • Spark Ads on TikTok
  • Partnership Ads on Instagram
  • Website and product page imagery
  • And more!
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Lifetime CaseStudy Captions Mobile

Exponentially Increasing Lifetime’s Partnership Bandwidth

Using Statusphere, Lifetime was able to get 988 hours back to put toward its other marketing initiatives.

Our platform eliminated Lifetime’s most time-consuming influencer marketing to-dos including:

  • Recruitment
  • Management & Communication
  • Reporting
  • And more

Taking these to-dos off Lifetime’s plate gave them the freedom to earn the results they were looking for.


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